Monday, March 12, 2007

She thinks my tractor's sexy...

There are things people are good at. Then, there are things people are paid to be good at.

Unfortunately, though I'd like to think blogging is something I'm good at, it doesn't fall into the latter category. So, to my blog fans helplessly re-reading posts from February, compulsively refreshing the screen in hopes a new one will finally appear, I apologize. Because I have been there, and I feel your pain. But, my day job, which happens to pay most of my bills, has been taking up all of my waking non-commuting hours. Which is mostly a good thing. But, I assure you, I've got quite a few rants and revelations bottled up and ready for the blogosphere...

Until then, go get some sunshine, maybe a Kenny Chesney CD, and call me in the morning. ;)

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